El Contra Incendios de Euskadi
  • I Encuentro de PCI Zona Norte


    Asociación de Empresas Instaladoras y Mantenedoras de Equipos y/o Sistemas de Protección Contra Incendios de Euskadi
  • I Encuentro de PCI Zona Norte


    La Asociación al servicio de las Empresas Instaladoras Mantenedoras de Euskadi

Avacoi representa a las empresas Instaladoras Mantenedoras de PCI de Euskadi

El hecho de que la gran mayoría de empresas dedicadas como base de negocio a las instalaciones de PCI, Instaladoras, como Mantenedoras,  estén asociadas a Avacoi, nos ofrece la capacidad de hablar con las diferentes administraciones para defender nuestros intereses.

Ofrecemos mejoras económicas

Disponemos de una serie de Acuerdos de Colaboración, que seguro te van a reportar ventajas económicas.

Sabemos de PCI lo que te hace falta

Toda la Normativa a tu alcance

No sólo disponemos de las normas de obligado cumplimiento, sino que disponemos de normas UNE, Actas de Revisión, Documentación añadida, en definitiva, todo lo que te hace falta.

Integrados en Aerme

Pertenecemos a la Junta Directiva de Aerme, Asociación Española líder en número y conocimientos del sector de PCI para las instalaciones y su Mantenimiento.

Trabajamos con pasión.

Somos conscientes de la escasa y puntual repercusión de nuestro trabajo. Conscientes de que no se nos tiene en cuenta, más allá de una obligación legal, pero aún así, mantenemos nuestro gran sentido de la responsabilidad al diseñar, instalar y mantener las instalaciones en perfecto estado para ése fatídico momento en el que por desgracia, tienen que funcionar.

This is what we do.

Use this paragraph to describe what you do. This is a great place to let your visitors know who you are. Add useful information that your users may find interesting. What makes you stand out? Why you do what you do? What is your passion? Here is where you can just let go. Now is when you let them know. Zoho Sites, your site, your story. Click here to add your story.

Construction Management

Use this paragraph to describe what you do. This is a great place to let your visitors know who you are Add useful information that your users may find interesting. What is your passion? Click here to add your story.

General Contracting

Use this paragraph to describe what you do. This is a great place to let your visitors know who you are Add useful information that your users may find interesting. What is your passion? Click here to add your story.

Design Management

Use this paragraph to describe what you do. This is a great place to let your visitors know who you are Add useful information that your users may find interesting. What is your passion? Click here to add your story.

Building program

Use this paragraph to describe what you do. This is a great place to let your visitors know who you are Add useful information that your users may find interesting. What is your passion? Click here to add your story.

Construction Portfolio

Made with passion.

Pre-construction design

Make it with passion.

Our Construction Services

Use this paragraph to describe what you do. This is a great place to let your visitors know who you are. Click here to add your story.

We are the top leaders for your architectural needs

Inspiring Landscape Remodeling

Use this paragraph to describe what you do. This is a great place to let your visitors know who you are. Click here to add your story.

Interior Remodel Designs

Use this paragraph to describe what you do. This is a great place to let your visitors know who you are. Click here to add your story.

Construction Portfolio

Made with passion.

Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased to twinkle.

This is what we do.

Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased to twinkle.

Construction Management

I shall see the face of Mars, anyhow, and that will be a rare . It seems to me that a view of the heavenly bodies through a fine telescope, as well as a tour round the world, should.

General Contracting

I shall see the face of Mars, anyhow, and that will be a rare . It seems to me that a view of the heavenly bodies through a fine telescope, as well as a tour round the world, should.

Project Management

I shall see the face of Mars, anyhow, and that will be a rare . It seems to me that a view of the heavenly bodies through a fine telescope, as well as a tour round the world, should.

Blueprint and Design

I shall see the face of Mars, anyhow, and that will be a rare . It seems to me that a view of the heavenly bodies through a fine telescope, as well as a tour round the world, should.

Lifestyles and Testes

Land Layout

Pre-Construction Design

General Contracting

Finance related Details

Use this paragraph to describe what you do. This is a great place to let your visitors know who you are. Add useful information that your users may find interesting.Click here to add your story.

15 Años trabajando por y para las empresas de PCI

Desde el 2005 trabajamos para que la actividad de Protección Contra Incendios, además de en la Sociedad, ocupe el lugar que se merece dentro de la Seguridad Industrial, con todo lo que ello representa.